Having reached the minor landmark of 50 followers, I mused upon the appearance of this blog and soon found myself unsatisfied with the default 'black' theme. Honestly, this realization comes partly by way of my peers, and the slight tinge of inadequacy they inflict upon me when I take note of their Html-bending craft. Growing somewhat disillusioned with the complex layouts that had vexed me, I set out in an admittedly half-hearted search for a suitable proxy. After a mercifully brief delve into the world of blog customization, I emerged, somewhat satisfied with a technically-straightforward, minimalist template consisting of darker colors that are easy on my eyes.
As always, criticism is welcomed; as are suggestions. Have an alternate template that you feel would suit this space more adequately? Let me know. It's a matter of your ocular comfort, as well, after all.
Look great
I'm a fan of clean design, but I'm just a write with no graphic design or web coding skills to speak of, so what do I know?
nice! congrats. Check me out, alphabetalife.blogspot.com
Grats! The blog looks great the way it is.
Looks alright, but the home tab is looking kind of lonely.
I am quite a fan of this new layout. Its simple, but clean and I like it.
cool man!
Design is awesome. Looks clean and simple.
Letters in the comments could be a lil bit brighter tho
gratz on the followers
This is great!
Very good Blog you got here !
Gratz!, Keep it up +1
congrats. i like your blog's look btw.
I still have the default look "/ if only i had some program like photoshop on this pc
nice, keep it up.
Loving the new theme, i recently changed mine too.. Fits alot better with my blog
Congrats on 50!
very epic blogspot theme
I love it :D keep up the good work
I like your blog style! Keep up the great blogging!
Sweet theme and congrats!
Go space background dawg! also TABLE TOP 4TW!
This layout is just fine. Keeps it easy on the eyes and won't have you look around for the content. I'd say keep it!
The layout is actually very easy on the eyes. Looking forward to the future posts!
Golden Age Epoch Reached!
Very good!
now: 61 followers. LOL. Good Luck.
True that your template is so nice I would use it as well ^^
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