It can be rather difficult to instill good gaming habits in others, even more so to reinforce or reward said habits without appearing to favor one Player over another. The imaginative denizens of 'Stuffer Shack' sought to correct this issue with the rather ingenious usage of a standard deck of cards. This "deck of boons" is quite straightforward, each card (2, King, etc.) has a specific, mostly positive in-game effect when deployed during the session at hand. Said benefits range from the practical and mundane (re-rolling an attack), to the intricately powerful (player fiat).
The real value in this system, however, lies in the acquisition of the card itself; a feat typically accomplished by those exhibiting traits that the dealer/Host may find desirable in an Player. Personally, I make it a point to reward any attendees with the habitual punctuality to show up on-time for the scheduled session with a draw from the deck. Though initially met with skepticism, a particularly impressive use of the 'Ace' card involving a blatant in-game reference to the movie 'Matrix' dramatically improved Player punctuality. Your requirements for such compensation, be they in-game or out, may vary.
Edit: I find myself thoroughly enjoying my blog's visual format. Particularly the font/color/size of the post titles; it caused me to read "The Deck of Many Boons" in a big, booming voice in my head. : P
Man this is great... I always need more things to do when im lying around with people
good gaming habits are really important
looks like a pretty sweet deck
sounds like a sweet deck
lol reminds me of MTG
this awesome and very useful.
Interesting take for a game with an ordinary deck of cards.
Intriguing concept, and neat that it can be piggybacked onto any game.
This is pretty neat, a simple way to make fun use of a deck of cards.
My only problem would be remembering the rules. This is why I stick to games that have everything already written on the cards.
wow nice post
Havent heard of this before! hmmm
thanks for the post. I like your style, following!
good point
Sounds fun, adds a dimension of lucky to an already pretty luck-filled sort of thing.
i'm gonna have to look into this further.
thanks for the link. i'll check it out.
What is this?
I really enjoy this blog, following!
nice post
i might check this out if i can use standard playing cards..
Yeah, your blog layout is pretty great. Something i'm still WAY behind in.
That's interesting, I'll check this out. Good format yes, just a little hard to read the comments for me lol.
Very interesting
lol cool, thansk for the read
good tip for balance!
I'm lovin the layout of your blog too :)
Interest content, i look forward to seeing more valuable info!
yeah i like the layout too
I feel better already.
Love the comment thingies.
I like the layout too but you need to make the comments easier to read in your design.
I think the fact that 'THE DECK OF MANY BOONS' is in capitals helps too. PS first time I glanced, I thought it said 'THE DECK OF MANY BOOBS', rechecked immediately! :P
I agree with you. Also, yes, your blog looks nice. :)
The blog look is nice, your titles are always in cruise control and yeah, it gives nice emphasis.
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